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Odyssey Panamericana


5 years, 25 countries and 60000 kilometers of adventures and priceless moments. It’s the story about a bicycle journey through North, Central and South America. A journey that never went according to plan. Martina should have travelled with her partner but ended up with a woman she met on the road, and finally alone. She experienced many ups and downs, pushed her limits, went far beyond, got to know absolutely great people and landscapes and went off to new horizons. And even if everything turned out differently than expected, it was an absolutely amazing journey that tought her to keep on dreaming.

Odyssey Panamericana : 5 years, 25 countries and 60'000 kilometers of priceless moments

Diaporama: 60 min

Martina Gees

Conférence en anglais. Places limitées, réservation fortement recommandée au 078 720 85 52 (sms/what’s app)

Samedi 2 novembre 10h

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